Displaying 21 - 23 of 23 articles
Author: Jason Ritter | Last Updated: 07/08/2015 | Comments: 0
Are your current troubleshooting methods not as helpful as you’d like them to be? This article discusses a number of troubleshooting best practices you can use, which may help you determine the source of the problem and resume your data collection more quickly. When I... read moreAuthor: Jacob Davis | Last Updated: 05/29/2015 | Comments: 9
Your data logger may record great data, but if you can't retrieve it, the data isn’t going to do you much good. To ensure your successful data retrieval, it’s essential that you can troubleshoot possible problems that may arise with PC-to-data-logger communication over a serial... read moreAuthor: Bruce Smith | Last Updated: 05/29/2015 | Comments: 0
Solar radiation is an important measurement for many researchers and those who are monitoring their evapotranspiration values for irrigation purposes. If you have been wondering how accurate your solar radiation measurement is, Apogee Instruments (an associated company of Campbell Scientific) has a Clear Sky Calculator mobile... read more