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CR6 Modbus ASCII on ComC1

Remi Jun 27, 2019 08:12 PM


We want to communicate with a sensor Modbus ASCII with our CR6 but all of my values are 0,00...

What is the problem according you ?

Public PTemp
Public batt
Public ModBus(2), Result
Public ModBusniv(1), Result2

Alias ModBus(1)= Raven_1
Alias ModBus(2)= Raven_2

Alias ModBusniv(1)= Raven_niv

DataTable (Table_Raven,True,-1)
 DataInterval (0,1,Sec,10)
 Sample (1,batt,FP2)
 Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)
 Sample (1,Raven_1,FP2)
 Sample (1,Raven_2,FP2)
 Sample (1,Raven_niv,FP2)

'Main Program

 'Define com port parameters for Raven sensor communication
SerialOpen (ComC1,-19200,23,100,50,4)

 Scan (100,mSec,0,0)
 'Panel Temperature
 PanelTemp (PTemp,15000)
 'Main battery voltage
 Battery (batt)
 'Sensor Water level and water temperature measurements, ModBus data

ModbusMaster (Result,ComC1,19200,1,3,ModBus(),1014,2,3,100,10)

ModbusMaster (Result2,ComC1,19200,1,16,22,4000,1,3,100,10)

ModbusMaster (Result2,ComC1,19200,1,3,ModBusniv(),4000,1,3,100,10)

'Call Output Tables
 CallTable Table_Raven



The sensor is :

RS485 two wires

19200, 8 bits, 2 stop bits, no parity

Modbus ASCII, bit HI-LO

Float32 for holding register.

We have values at 1014 and 4000, code 03.

We have connected the modbus on C1 and C2

Do you see a problem in my code ?

Thank you,


JDavis Jun 27, 2019 09:04 PM

I suggest using the sniffer mode of the CR6 terminal to watch ComC1. Look at the message you are sending out to the sensor to see if it matches what you expect. Also look to see if we are getting any reponse from the sensor.


If the datalogger outputs the command as you expect, it might be a cabling issue. Try swapping the A and B wires. Some manufacturers label them opposite.

Remi Jun 28, 2019 02:41 PM


I am connected to CR6 and in the termnial emulator, after a 'open terminal', nothing happen....

What is the problem ?

Thank you


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